Halloween 31 st October means “holy evening.” It is a magical time, associated with ghosts because the veil between the human and spirit world is most transparent. We can more easily contact spirits and they can visit us. On Halloween, it would be good to light a candle and send your best wishes to loved ones in the spirit world. Don’t leave the candle burning if you are going out. In the Church November 1 st is All Saints Day when saints roam the earth.
If you want to meet a loved one who has passed on, say a silent prayer or speak aloud just before going to sleep: “Please can I meet (name of person) in my dreams tonight.” If it doesn’t happen on that night, don’t get despondent, keep asking each night. The meeting will be a real meeting and the person will look vibrant and full of good health. In the Celtic calendar, October 31 st is New Year’s Eve, winter begins on November 1 st and ends January 31 st Midwinter is 21 st December. So until 21 st December, we have seven dark weeks when daylight minutes decrease, before daylight minutes of light begin to increase.
Around Halloween and for a couple of weeks after, spirits may send you messages by what you see, hear, smell, taste or touch. So be receptive. You could ask for a sign. A message may speak to you through something you randomly overhear other people saying, by what you hear on the radio or tv or by words on a billboard, or in a book or magazine.